Package org.bukkit

Interface Keyed

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
Advancement, ComplexRecipe, DataPack, FeatureFlag, KeyedBossBar, LimitedRegion, LootTable, Reference<T>, RegionAccessor, Tag<T>, TrimMaterial, TrimPattern, World
All Known Implementing Classes:
Art, Attribute, BaseTag, Biome, BlastingRecipe, CampfireRecipe, Cat.Type, ConfiguredStructure, CookingRecipe, CraftingRecipe, Enchantment, EnchantmentWrapper, EntitySetTag, EntityType, Fluid, Frog.Variant, FurnaceRecipe, GameEvent, LootTables, Material, MaterialSetTag, MemoryKey, MusicInstrument, Particle, PotionEffectType, PotionEffectTypeWrapper, PotionMix, PotionType, ShapedRecipe, ShapelessRecipe, SmithingRecipe, SmithingTransformRecipe, SmithingTrimRecipe, SmokingRecipe, Sound, Statistic, StonecuttingRecipe, Structure, StructureType, StructureType, Villager.Profession, Villager.Type

public interface Keyed extends net.kyori.adventure.key.Keyed
Represents an object which has a NamespacedKey attached to it.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Return the namespaced identifier for this object.
    default @NotNull net.kyori.adventure.key.Key
    Returns the unique identifier for this object.
  • Method Details

    • getKey

      Return the namespaced identifier for this object.
      this object's key
    • key

      default @NotNull net.kyori.adventure.key.Key key()
      Returns the unique identifier for this object.
      Specified by:
      key in interface net.kyori.adventure.key.Keyed
      this object's key