Package org.bukkit.entity.minecart
Interface PoweredMinecart
- All Superinterfaces:
Represents a powered minecart. A powered minecart moves on its own when a
player deposits
Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.bukkit.entity.Entity
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionint
Get the number of ticks until the minecart runs out of fuel.double
Get the x push of the minecart.double
Get the z push of the minecart.void
(int fuel) Set the number of ticks until the minecart runs out of fuel.void
(double xPush) Set the x push of the minecart.void
(double zPush) Set the z push of the minecart.Methods inherited from interface net.kyori.adventure.audience.Audience
clearTitle, deleteMessage, deleteMessage, filterAudience, forEachAudience, hideBossBar, openBook, openBook, playSound, playSound, playSound, resetTitle, sendActionBar, sendActionBar, sendMessage, sendMessage, sendMessage, sendMessage, sendMessage, sendMessage, sendMessage, sendMessage, sendMessage, sendMessage, sendMessage, sendMessage, sendMessage, sendMessage, sendPlayerListFooter, sendPlayerListFooter, sendPlayerListHeader, sendPlayerListHeader, sendPlayerListHeaderAndFooter, sendPlayerListHeaderAndFooter, sendTitlePart, showBossBar, showTitle, stopSound, stopSound
Methods inherited from interface org.bukkit.command.CommandSender
getName, name, sendMessage, sendMessage, sendMessage, sendMessage, sendMessage, sendMessage, sendMessage, sendPlainMessage, sendRichMessage, sendRichMessage
Methods inherited from interface org.bukkit.entity.Entity
addPassenger, addScoreboardTag, asHoverEvent, collidesAt, eject, fromMobSpawner, getBoundingBox, getChunk, getEntityId, getEntitySpawnReason, getFacing, getFallDistance, getFireTicks, getFreezeTicks, getHeight, getLastDamageCause, getLocation, getLocation, getMaxFireTicks, getMaxFreezeTicks, getNearbyEntities, getOrigin, getPassenger, getPassengers, getPistonMoveReaction, getPitch, getPortalCooldown, getPose, getScheduler, getScoreboardEntryName, getScoreboardTags, getServer, getSpawnCategory, getSwimHighSpeedSplashSound, getSwimSound, getSwimSplashSound, getTicksLived, getTrackedBy, getTrackedPlayers, getType, getUniqueId, getVehicle, getWidth, getWorld, getX, getY, getYaw, getZ, hasFixedPose, hasGravity, isCustomNameVisible, isDead, isEmpty, isFreezeTickingLocked, isFrozen, isGlowing, isInBubbleColumn, isInLava, isInPowderedSnow, isInRain, isInsideVehicle, isInvulnerable, isInWater, isInWaterOrBubbleColumn, isInWaterOrRain, isInWaterOrRainOrBubbleColumn, isOnGround, isPersistent, isSilent, isSneaking, isTicking, isUnderWater, isValid, isVisibleByDefault, isVisualFire, leaveVehicle, lockFreezeTicks, playEffect, remove, removePassenger, removeScoreboardTag, setCustomNameVisible, setFallDistance, setFireTicks, setFreezeTicks, setGlowing, setGravity, setInvulnerable, setLastDamageCause, setPassenger, setPersistent, setPortalCooldown, setPose, setPose, setRotation, setSilent, setSneaking, setTicksLived, setVisibleByDefault, setVisualFire, spawnAt, spawnAt, spigot, teamDisplayName, teleport, teleport, teleport, teleport, teleport, teleport, teleportAsync, teleportAsync, wouldCollideUsing
Methods inherited from interface net.kyori.adventure.text.event.HoverEventSource
Methods inherited from interface org.bukkit.metadata.Metadatable
getMetadata, hasMetadata, removeMetadata, setMetadata
Methods inherited from interface org.bukkit.entity.Minecart
getDamage, getDerailedVelocityMod, getDisplayBlock, getDisplayBlockData, getDisplayBlockOffset, getFlyingVelocityMod, getMaxSpeed, getMinecartMaterial, isSlowWhenEmpty, setDamage, setDerailedVelocityMod, setDisplayBlock, setDisplayBlockData, setDisplayBlockOffset, setFlyingVelocityMod, setMaxSpeed, setSlowWhenEmpty
Methods inherited from interface org.bukkit.Nameable
customName, customName, getCustomName, setCustomName
Methods inherited from interface org.bukkit.permissions.Permissible
addAttachment, addAttachment, addAttachment, addAttachment, getEffectivePermissions, hasPermission, hasPermission, isPermissionSet, isPermissionSet, permissionValue, permissionValue, recalculatePermissions, removeAttachment
Methods inherited from interface org.bukkit.persistence.PersistentDataHolder
Methods inherited from interface net.kyori.adventure.pointer.Pointered
get, getOrDefault, getOrDefaultFrom, pointers
Methods inherited from interface org.bukkit.permissions.ServerOperator
isOp, setOp
Methods inherited from interface org.bukkit.entity.Vehicle
getVelocity, setVelocity
Method Details
int getFuel()Get the number of ticks until the minecart runs out of fuel.- Returns:
- Number of ticks until the minecart runs out of fuel
void setFuel(int fuel) Set the number of ticks until the minecart runs out of fuel.- Parameters:
- Number of ticks until the minecart runs out of fuel
double getPushX()Get the x push of the minecart.- Returns:
- The x push of the minecart
double getPushZ()Get the z push of the minecart.- Returns:
- The z push of the minecart
void setPushX(double xPush) Set the x push of the minecart.- Parameters:
- The new x push of the minecart
void setPushZ(double zPush) Set the z push of the minecart.- Parameters:
- The new z push of the minecart