Uses of Interface
The root package of the Bukkit API, contains generalized API classes.
Classes used to manipulate the voxels in a
including special states.Classes concerning the creation of boss bars that appear at the top of the
player's screen.
Classes dedicated to facilitate direct player-to-plugin communication.
Interfaces for non-voxel objects that can exist in a
, including all players, monsters, projectiles, etc.Events
triggered from an enchantment table
relating to entities that hang
related to raids.Events
relating to programmatic state
changes on the server.Classes involved in manipulating player inventories and item interactions.
Classes to facilitate plugin handling of
displays.Classes dedicated to specialized plugin to client protocols.
Spigot-specific player events.
Uses of Player in com.destroystokyo.paper
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
Deprecated.Sends the title directly to an playervoid
Deprecated.Sends the title directly to the defined playersSets the source of this particle for visibility concerns (Vanish API)Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionParticleBuilder.receivers
(@Nullable Collection<Player> receivers) void
(@NotNull Collection<? extends Player> players) Deprecated.Sends the title directly to the defined players -
Uses of Player in com.destroystokyo.paper.event.block
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionBeaconEffectEvent.getPlayer()
Gets the player who the potion effect is being applied to.ModifierConstructorDescriptionBeaconEffectEvent
(@NotNull Block block, @NotNull PotionEffect effect, @NotNull Player player, boolean primary) -
Uses of Player in com.destroystokyo.paper.event.entity
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionEndermanAttackPlayerEvent.getPlayer()
The player the Enderman is considering attackingModifierConstructorDescriptionEndermanAttackPlayerEvent
(@NotNull Enderman entity, @NotNull Player player) PlayerNaturallySpawnCreaturesEvent
(@NotNull Player player, byte radius) -
Uses of Player in com.destroystokyo.paper.event.player
(@NotNull Player player, @Nullable String type, @Nullable String kickMessage, @NotNull Exception e) Deprecated.PlayerAdvancementCriterionGrantEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull Advancement advancement, @NotNull String criterion) PlayerArmorChangeEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull PlayerArmorChangeEvent.SlotType slotType, @NotNull ItemStack oldItem, @NotNull ItemStack newItem) PlayerAttackEntityCooldownResetEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull Entity attackedEntity, float cooledAttackStrength) PlayerClientOptionsChangeEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull String locale, int viewDistance, @NotNull ClientOption.ChatVisibility chatVisibility, boolean chatColors, @NotNull SkinParts skinParts, @NotNull MainHand mainHand) Deprecated.PlayerClientOptionsChangeEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull Map<ClientOption<?>, ?> options) PlayerElytraBoostEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull ItemStack itemStack, @NotNull Firework firework, @NotNull EquipmentSlot hand) PlayerInitialSpawnEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull Location spawnLocation) Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.PlayerLaunchProjectileEvent
(@NotNull Player shooter, @NotNull ItemStack itemStack, @NotNull Projectile projectile) PlayerLocaleChangeEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @Nullable String oldLocale, @NotNull String newLocale) Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.PlayerPickupExperienceEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull ExperienceOrb experienceOrb) PlayerPostRespawnEvent
(@NotNull Player respawnPlayer, @NotNull Location respawnedLocation, boolean isBedSpawn) PlayerRecipeBookClickEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull NamespacedKey recipe, boolean makeAll) PlayerSetSpawnEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull PlayerSetSpawnEvent.Cause cause, @Nullable Location location, boolean forced, boolean notifyPlayer, @Nullable Component notification) PlayerStartSpectatingEntityEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull Entity currentSpectatorTarget, @NotNull Entity newSpectatorTarget) PlayerStopSpectatingEntityEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull Entity spectatorTarget) PlayerTeleportEndGatewayEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull Location from, @NotNull Location to, @NotNull EndGateway gateway) PlayerUseUnknownEntityEvent
(@NotNull Player player, int entityId, boolean attack, @NotNull EquipmentSlot hand, @Nullable Vector clickedPosition) -
Uses of Player in com.destroystokyo.paper.event.server
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionPaperServerListPingEvent.getBukkitPlayer
(@NotNull Object player) -
Uses of Player in com.destroystokyo.paper.exception
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionServerPluginMessageException.getPlayer()
Gets the player which the plugin message causing the exception originated fromModifierConstructorDescriptionprotected
(String message, Throwable cause, boolean enableSuppression, boolean writableStackTrace, Plugin responsiblePlugin, Player player, String channel, byte[] data) ServerPluginMessageException
(String message, Throwable cause, Plugin responsiblePlugin, Player player, String channel, byte[] data) ServerPluginMessageException
(Throwable cause, Plugin responsiblePlugin, Player player, String channel, byte[] data) -
Uses of Player in com.destroystokyo.paper.loottable
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionLootableInventory.getLastLooted
(@NotNull Player player) Gets the timestamp, in milliseconds, of when the player last looted this objectdefault boolean
(@NotNull Player player) Has this player ever looted this blockdefault boolean
(@NotNull Player player, boolean looted) Change the state of whether or not a player has looted this blockModifierConstructorDescriptionLootableInventoryReplenishEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull LootableInventory inventory) -
Uses of Player in
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionChatRenderer.render
(@NotNull Player source, @NotNull Component sourceDisplayName, @NotNull Component message, @NotNull Audience viewer) Renders a chat message.ChatRenderer.ViewerUnaware.render
(@NotNull Player source, @NotNull Component sourceDisplayName, @NotNull Component message) Renders a chat message. -
Uses of Player in io.papermc.paper.event.block
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionBlockLockCheckEvent.getPlayer()
Get the player involved this lock check.ModifierConstructorDescriptionBlockLockCheckEvent
(@NotNull Block block, @NotNull LockableTileState state, @NotNull Player player, @NotNull Component lockedMessage, @NotNull Sound lockedSound) PlayerShearBlockEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull Block block, @NotNull ItemStack item, @NotNull EquipmentSlot hand, @NotNull List<ItemStack> drops) -
Uses of Player in io.papermc.paper.event.entity
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionElderGuardianAppearanceEvent.getAffectedPlayer()
Get the player affected by the guardian appearance.EntityFertilizeEggEvent.getBreeder()
Gets the Entity responsible for fertilization.EntityDyeEvent.getPlayer()
Returns the player dyeing the entity, if available.ModifierConstructorDescriptionElderGuardianAppearanceEvent
(@NotNull ElderGuardian guardian, @NotNull Player affectedPlayer) EntityFertilizeEggEvent
(@NotNull LivingEntity mother, @NotNull LivingEntity father, @Nullable Player breeder, @Nullable ItemStack bredWith, int experience) -
Uses of Player in io.papermc.paper.event.packet
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionPlayerChunkLoadEvent.getPlayer()
(@NotNull Chunk chunk, @NotNull Player player) PlayerChunkUnloadEvent
(@NotNull Chunk chunk, @NotNull Player player) -
Uses of Player in io.papermc.paper.event.player
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionAsyncChatDecorateEvent.player()
Gets the player (if available) associated with this event.ModifierConstructorDescriptionAsyncChatCommandDecorateEvent
(@Nullable Player player, @NotNull Component originalMessage) AsyncChatDecorateEvent
(@Nullable Player player, @NotNull Component originalMessage) AsyncChatEvent
(boolean async, @NotNull Player player, @NotNull Set<Audience> viewers, @NotNull ChatRenderer renderer, @NotNull Component message, @NotNull Component originalMessage, @NotNull SignedMessage signedMessage) ChatEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull Set<Audience> viewers, @NotNull ChatRenderer renderer, @NotNull Component message, @NotNull Component originalMessage, @NotNull SignedMessage signedMessage) Deprecated.PlayerArmSwingEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull EquipmentSlot equipmentSlot) PlayerBedFailEnterEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull PlayerBedFailEnterEvent.FailReason failReason, @NotNull Block bed, boolean willExplode, @Nullable Component message) PlayerChangeBeaconEffectEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @Nullable PotionEffectType primary, @Nullable PotionEffectType secondary, @NotNull Block beacon) PlayerDeepSleepEvent
(@NotNull Player player) PlayerFailMoveEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull PlayerFailMoveEvent.FailReason failReason, boolean allowed, boolean logWarning, @NotNull Location from, @NotNull Location to) PlayerFlowerPotManipulateEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull Block flowerpot, @NotNull ItemStack item, boolean placing) PlayerInventorySlotChangeEvent
(@NotNull Player player, int rawSlot, @NotNull ItemStack oldItemStack, @NotNull ItemStack newItemStack) PlayerItemCooldownEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull Material type, int cooldown) PlayerItemFrameChangeEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull ItemFrame itemFrame, @NotNull ItemStack itemStack, @NotNull PlayerItemFrameChangeEvent.ItemFrameChangeAction action) PlayerLecternPageChangeEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull Lectern lectern, @NotNull ItemStack book, @NotNull PlayerLecternPageChangeEvent.PageChangeDirection pageChangeDirection, int oldPage, int newPage) PlayerLoomPatternSelectEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull LoomInventory loomInventory, @NotNull PatternType patternType) PlayerNameEntityEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull LivingEntity entity, @NotNull Component name, boolean persistent) PlayerOpenSignEvent
(@NotNull Player editor, @NotNull Sign sign, @NotNull Side side, @NotNull PlayerOpenSignEvent.Cause cause) PlayerPickItemEvent
(@NotNull Player player, int targetSlot, int sourceSlot) PlayerPurchaseEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull MerchantRecipe trade, boolean rewardExp, boolean increaseTradeUses) PlayerShieldDisableEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull Entity damager, int cooldown) PlayerSignCommandPreprocessEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull String message, @NotNull Set<Player> recipients, @NotNull Sign sign, @NotNull Side side) PlayerStonecutterRecipeSelectEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull StonecutterInventory stonecutterInventory, @NotNull StonecuttingRecipe stonecuttingRecipe) PlayerStopUsingItemEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull ItemStack item, int ticksHeldFor) PlayerTrackEntityEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull Entity entity) PlayerTradeEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull AbstractVillager villager, @NotNull MerchantRecipe trade, boolean rewardExp, boolean increaseTradeUses) PlayerUntrackEntityEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull Entity entity) PrePlayerAttackEntityEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull Entity attacked, boolean willAttack) -
Uses of Player in me.totalfreedom.scissors.event.block
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionCommandBlockPlayerEditEvent.getPlayer()
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull String oldCommand, @NotNull String newCommand, @NotNull CommandBlock commandBlock) CommandMinecartPlayerEditEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull String oldCommand, @NotNull String newCommand, @NotNull CommandMinecart commandMinecart) -
Uses of Player in me.totalfreedom.scissors.event.player
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull Entity target) -
Uses of Player in org.bukkit
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionGets a player object by the given username.Gets the player with the given UUID.OfflinePlayer.getPlayer()
Gets aPlayer
object that this represents, if there is oneGets a player object by the given username.Gets the player with the given UUID.Bukkit.getPlayerExact
(@NotNull String name) Gets the player with the exact given name, case insensitive.Server.getPlayerExact
(@NotNull String name) Gets the player with the exact given name, case insensitive.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionLocation.getNearbyPlayers
(double radius) Gets nearby players within the specified radius (bounding box)Location.getNearbyPlayers
(double xzRadius, double yRadius) Gets nearby players within the specified radius (bounding box)Location.getNearbyPlayers
(double xRadius, double yRadius, double zRadius) Gets nearby players within the specified radius (bounding box)Location.getNearbyPlayers
(double xRadius, double yRadius, double zRadius, @Nullable Predicate<? super Player> predicate) Gets nearby players within the specified radius (bounding box)Location.getNearbyPlayers
(double xzRadius, double yRadius, @Nullable Predicate<? super Player> predicate) Gets nearby players within the specified radius (bounding box)Location.getNearbyPlayers
(double radius, @Nullable Predicate<? super Player> predicate) Gets nearby players within the specified radius (bounding box)default @NotNull Collection<Player>
(@NotNull Location loc, double radius) Gets nearby players within the specified radius (bounding box)default @NotNull Collection<Player>
(@NotNull Location loc, double xzRadius, double yRadius) Gets nearby players within the specified radius (bounding box)default @NotNull Collection<Player>
(@NotNull Location loc, double xRadius, double yRadius, double zRadius) Gets nearby players within the specified radius (bounding box)default @NotNull Collection<Player>
(@NotNull Location loc, double xRadius, double yRadius, double zRadius, @Nullable Predicate<? super Player> predicate) Gets nearby players within the specified radius (bounding box)default @NotNull Collection<Player>
(@NotNull Location loc, double xzRadius, double yRadius, @Nullable Predicate<? super Player> predicate) Gets nearby players within the specified radius (bounding box)default @NotNull Collection<Player>
(@NotNull Location loc, double radius, @Nullable Predicate<? super Player> predicate) Gets nearby players within the specified radius (bounding box)static @NotNull Collection<? extends Player>
Gets a view of all currently logged in players.@NotNull Collection<? extends Player>
Gets a view of all currently logged in players.World.getPlayers()
Get a list of all players in this WorldBukkit.matchPlayer
(@NotNull String name) Attempts to match any players with the given name, and returns a list of all possibly matches.Server.matchPlayer
(@NotNull String name) Attempts to match any players with the given name, and returns a list of all possibly matches.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionUnsafeValues.computeTooltipLines
(@NotNull ItemStack itemStack, TooltipContext tooltipContext, Player player) Deprecated.Get the crafted item using the list ofItemStack
provided.Get the crafted item using the list ofItemStack
provided.static @NotNull ItemCraftResult
(@NotNull ItemStack[] craftingMatrix, @NotNull World world, @NotNull Player player) Get the crafted item using the list ofItemStack
(@NotNull ItemStack[] craftingMatrix, @NotNull World world, @NotNull Player player) Get the crafted item using the list ofItemStack
provided.default <T> void
(@NotNull Particle particle, @Nullable List<Player> receivers, @NotNull Player source, double x, double y, double z, int count, double offsetX, double offsetY, double offsetZ, double extra, T data) Spawns the particle (the number of times specified by count) at the target location.<T> void
(@NotNull Particle particle, @Nullable List<Player> receivers, @Nullable Player source, double x, double y, double z, int count, double offsetX, double offsetY, double offsetZ, double extra, T data, boolean force) Spawns the particle (the number of times specified by count) at the target location.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionLocation.getNearbyPlayers
(double xRadius, double yRadius, double zRadius, @Nullable Predicate<? super Player> predicate) Gets nearby players within the specified radius (bounding box)Location.getNearbyPlayers
(double xzRadius, double yRadius, @Nullable Predicate<? super Player> predicate) Gets nearby players within the specified radius (bounding box)Location.getNearbyPlayers
(double radius, @Nullable Predicate<? super Player> predicate) Gets nearby players within the specified radius (bounding box)default @NotNull Collection<Player>
(@NotNull Location loc, double xRadius, double yRadius, double zRadius, @Nullable Predicate<? super Player> predicate) Gets nearby players within the specified radius (bounding box)default @NotNull Collection<Player>
(@NotNull Location loc, double xzRadius, double yRadius, @Nullable Predicate<? super Player> predicate) Gets nearby players within the specified radius (bounding box)default @NotNull Collection<Player>
(@NotNull Location loc, double radius, @Nullable Predicate<? super Player> predicate) Gets nearby players within the specified radius (bounding box)default <T> void
(@NotNull Particle particle, @Nullable List<Player> receivers, @NotNull Player source, double x, double y, double z, int count, double offsetX, double offsetY, double offsetZ, double extra, T data) Spawns the particle (the number of times specified by count) at the target location.<T> void
(@NotNull Particle particle, @Nullable List<Player> receivers, @Nullable Player source, double x, double y, double z, int count, double offsetX, double offsetY, double offsetZ, double extra, T data, boolean force) Spawns the particle (the number of times specified by count) at the target location. -
Uses of Player in org.bukkit.block
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionSign.getAllowedEditor()
Gets the player that is currently allowed to edit this sign.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionfloat
(@NotNull Player player) Gets the speed at which the given player would break this block, taking into account tools, potion effects, whether or not the player is in water, enchantments, etc.Sign.getTargetSide
(@NotNull Player player) Gets the side of this sign the given player is currently standing on.void
Simulates a player causing a vibration. -
Uses of Player in org.bukkit.boss
Uses of Player in org.bukkit.conversations
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionPlayerNamePrompt.acceptValidatedInput
(@NotNull ConversationContext context, @NotNull Player input) Override this method to perform some action with the user's player name response. -
Uses of Player in org.bukkit.entity
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionLightningStrike.getCausingPlayer()
Get thePlayer
that caused this lightning to strike.LivingEntity.getKiller()
Gets the player identified as the killer of the living entity.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionPlayer.Spigot.getHiddenPlayers()
Gets all players hidden withhidePlayer(org.bukkit.entity.Player)
Get all players that are currently tracking this entity.Entity.getTrackedPlayers()
Deprecated.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionboolean
Checks to see if a player has been hidden from this playervoid
(@NotNull Player player) Deprecated.void
(@NotNull Plugin plugin, @NotNull Player player) Hides a player from this playerboolean
Returns whether theother
player is listed forthis
(@NotNull Player other) Lists theother
(@Nullable Player player) Set thePlayer
that caused this lightning to strike.void
Sets the player identified as the killer of the living entity.void
(@NotNull Player player) Deprecated.void
(@NotNull Plugin plugin, @NotNull Player player) Allows this player to see a player that was previously hidden.boolean
(@NotNull Player other) Unlists theother
player from the tablist.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(@NotNull EquipmentSlot slot, @NotNull Collection<Player> players) Notifies specified players that the item in the slot of this entity broke. -
Uses of Player in org.bukkit.event.block
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionBlockBreakEvent.getPlayer()
Gets the Player that is breaking the block involved in this event.BlockCanBuildEvent.getPlayer()
Gets the player who placed the block involved in this event.BlockDamageAbortEvent.getPlayer()
Gets the player that stopped damaging the block involved in this event.BlockDamageEvent.getPlayer()
Gets the player damaging the block involved in this event.BlockDropItemEvent.getPlayer()
Gets the Player that is breaking the block involved in this event.BlockFertilizeEvent.getPlayer()
Gets the player that triggered the fertilization.BlockIgniteEvent.getPlayer()
Gets the player who ignited this blockBlockPlaceEvent.getPlayer()
Gets the player who placed the block involved in this event.SignChangeEvent.getPlayer()
Gets the player changing the sign involved in this event.ModifierConstructorDescriptionBlockBreakEvent
(@NotNull Block theBlock, @NotNull Player player) BlockCanBuildEvent
(@NotNull Block block, @Nullable Player player, @NotNull BlockData type, boolean canBuild) Deprecated.BlockCanBuildEvent
(@NotNull Block block, @Nullable Player player, @NotNull BlockData type, boolean canBuild, EquipmentSlot hand) BlockDamageEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull Block block, @NotNull ItemStack itemInHand, boolean instaBreak) Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.BlockDamageEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull Block block, BlockFace blockFace, @NotNull ItemStack itemInHand, boolean instaBreak) BlockDropItemEvent
(@NotNull Block block, @NotNull BlockState blockState, @NotNull Player player, @NotNull List<Item> items) BlockFertilizeEvent
(@NotNull Block theBlock, @Nullable Player player, @NotNull List<BlockState> blocks) BlockMultiPlaceEvent
(@NotNull List<BlockState> states, @NotNull Block clicked, @NotNull ItemStack itemInHand, @NotNull Player thePlayer, boolean canBuild) Deprecated.BlockMultiPlaceEvent
(@NotNull List<BlockState> states, @NotNull Block clicked, @NotNull ItemStack itemInHand, @NotNull Player thePlayer, boolean canBuild, EquipmentSlot hand) BlockPlaceEvent
(@NotNull Block placedBlock, @NotNull BlockState replacedBlockState, @NotNull Block placedAgainst, @NotNull ItemStack itemInHand, @NotNull Player thePlayer, boolean canBuild) Deprecated.BlockPlaceEvent
(@NotNull Block placedBlock, @NotNull BlockState replacedBlockState, @NotNull Block placedAgainst, @NotNull ItemStack itemInHand, @NotNull Player thePlayer, boolean canBuild, @NotNull EquipmentSlot hand) Deprecated.SignChangeEvent
(@NotNull Block theBlock, @NotNull Player thePlayer, @NotNull String[] theLines, @NotNull Side side) Deprecated.Deprecated.SignChangeEvent
(@NotNull Block theBlock, @NotNull Player player, List<Component> adventure$lines, @NotNull Side side) -
Uses of Player in org.bukkit.event.enchantment
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionEnchantItemEvent.getEnchanter()
Gets the player enchanting the itemPrepareItemEnchantEvent.getEnchanter()
Gets the player enchanting the itemModifierConstructorDescriptionEnchantItemEvent
(@NotNull Player enchanter, @NotNull InventoryView view, @NotNull Block table, @NotNull ItemStack item, int level, @NotNull Map<Enchantment, Integer> enchants, @NotNull Enchantment enchantmentHint, int levelHint, int i) PrepareItemEnchantEvent
(@NotNull Player enchanter, @NotNull InventoryView view, @NotNull Block table, @NotNull ItemStack item, @Nullable EnchantmentOffer @NotNull [] offers, int bonus) -
Uses of Player in org.bukkit.event.entity
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionPlayerDeathEvent.getEntity()
Returns the player placing the entityPlayerDeathEvent.getPlayer()
Clarity method for getting the player.PlayerLeashEntityEvent.getPlayer()
Returns the player involved in this eventModifierConstructorDescriptionEntityPlaceEvent
(@NotNull Entity entity, @Nullable Player player, @NotNull Block block, @NotNull BlockFace blockFace) Deprecated.EntityPlaceEvent
(@NotNull Entity entity, @Nullable Player player, @NotNull Block block, @NotNull BlockFace blockFace, @NotNull EquipmentSlot hand) PlayerDeathEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull List<ItemStack> drops, int droppedExp, int newExp, int newTotalExp, int newLevel, @Nullable String deathMessage) Deprecated.PlayerDeathEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull List<ItemStack> drops, int droppedExp, int newExp, int newTotalExp, int newLevel, @Nullable String deathMessage, boolean doExpDrop) Deprecated.PlayerDeathEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull List<ItemStack> drops, int droppedExp, int newExp, int newTotalExp, int newLevel, Component deathMessage) PlayerDeathEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull List<ItemStack> drops, int droppedExp, int newExp, int newTotalExp, int newLevel, Component deathMessage, boolean doExpDrop) PlayerDeathEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull List<ItemStack> drops, int droppedExp, int newExp, @Nullable String deathMessage) Deprecated.PlayerDeathEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull List<ItemStack> drops, int droppedExp, int newExp, Component deathMessage) PlayerDeathEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull List<ItemStack> drops, int droppedExp, @Nullable String deathMessage) PlayerDeathEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull List<ItemStack> drops, int droppedExp, Component deathMessage) Deprecated.PlayerLeashEntityEvent
(@NotNull Entity what, @NotNull Entity leashHolder, @NotNull Player leasher, @NotNull EquipmentSlot hand) -
Uses of Player in org.bukkit.event.hanging
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionHangingPlaceEvent.getPlayer()
Returns the player placing the hanging entityModifierConstructorDescriptionHangingPlaceEvent
(@NotNull Hanging hanging, @Nullable Player player, @NotNull Block block, @NotNull BlockFace blockFace, @Nullable EquipmentSlot hand) Deprecated.HangingPlaceEvent
(@NotNull Hanging hanging, @Nullable Player player, @NotNull Block block, @NotNull BlockFace blockFace, @Nullable EquipmentSlot hand, @Nullable ItemStack itemStack) -
Uses of Player in org.bukkit.event.inventory
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionFurnaceExtractEvent.getPlayer()
Get the player that triggered the event -
Uses of Player in org.bukkit.event.player
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionPlayerEvent.getPlayer()
Returns the player involved in this eventPlayerUnleashEntityEvent.getPlayer()
Returns the player who is unleashing the entity.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionAsyncPlayerChatEvent.getRecipients()
Deprecated.Gets a set of recipients that this chat message will be displayed to.PlayerChatEvent.getRecipients()
Deprecated.Gets a set of recipients that this chat message will be displayed toPlayerCommandPreprocessEvent.getRecipients()
Deprecated.This method is provided for backward compatibility with no guarantee to the effect of viewing or modifying the set.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
Deprecated.Sets the player that this message will display as, or command will be executed asvoid
Sets the player that this command will be executed as.ModifierConstructorDescriptionAsyncPlayerChatEvent
(boolean async, @NotNull Player who, @NotNull String message, @NotNull Set<Player> players) Deprecated.AsyncPlayerChatPreviewEvent
(boolean async, @NotNull Player who, @NotNull String message, @NotNull Set<Player> players) Deprecated.PlayerAdvancementDoneEvent
(@NotNull Player who, @NotNull Advancement advancement) PlayerAdvancementDoneEvent
(@NotNull Player who, @NotNull Advancement advancement, @Nullable Component message) PlayerAnimationEvent
(@NotNull Player player) Deprecated.PlayerAnimationEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull PlayerAnimationType playerAnimationType) Construct a new PlayerAnimation eventPlayerArmorStandManipulateEvent
(@NotNull Player who, @NotNull ArmorStand clickedEntity, @NotNull ItemStack playerItem, @NotNull ItemStack armorStandItem, @NotNull EquipmentSlot slot) Deprecated.PlayerArmorStandManipulateEvent
(@NotNull Player who, @NotNull ArmorStand clickedEntity, @NotNull ItemStack playerItem, @NotNull ItemStack armorStandItem, @NotNull EquipmentSlot slot, @NotNull EquipmentSlot hand) PlayerAttemptPickupItemEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull Item item) Deprecated.PlayerAttemptPickupItemEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull Item item, int remaining) PlayerBedEnterEvent
(@NotNull Player who, @NotNull Block bed) Deprecated.PlayerBedEnterEvent
(@NotNull Player who, @NotNull Block bed, @NotNull PlayerBedEnterEvent.BedEnterResult bedEnterResult) PlayerBedLeaveEvent
(@NotNull Player who, @NotNull Block bed, boolean setBedSpawn) PlayerBucketEmptyEvent
(@NotNull Player who, @NotNull Block blockClicked, @NotNull BlockFace blockFace, @NotNull Material bucket, @NotNull ItemStack itemInHand) Deprecated.PlayerBucketEmptyEvent
(@NotNull Player who, @NotNull Block block, @NotNull Block blockClicked, @NotNull BlockFace blockFace, @NotNull Material bucket, @NotNull ItemStack itemInHand) Deprecated.PlayerBucketEmptyEvent
(@NotNull Player who, @NotNull Block block, @NotNull Block blockClicked, @NotNull BlockFace blockFace, @NotNull Material bucket, @NotNull ItemStack itemInHand, @NotNull EquipmentSlot hand) PlayerBucketEntityEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull Entity entity, @NotNull ItemStack originalBucket, @NotNull ItemStack entityBucket, @NotNull EquipmentSlot hand) PlayerBucketEvent
(@NotNull Player who, @NotNull Block blockClicked, @NotNull BlockFace blockFace, @NotNull Material bucket, @NotNull ItemStack itemInHand) Deprecated.PlayerBucketEvent
(@NotNull Player who, @NotNull Block block, @NotNull Block blockClicked, @NotNull BlockFace blockFace, @NotNull Material bucket, @NotNull ItemStack itemInHand) Deprecated.PlayerBucketEvent
(@NotNull Player who, @NotNull Block block, @NotNull Block blockClicked, @NotNull BlockFace blockFace, @NotNull Material bucket, @NotNull ItemStack itemInHand, @NotNull EquipmentSlot hand) PlayerBucketFillEvent
(@NotNull Player who, @NotNull Block blockClicked, @NotNull BlockFace blockFace, @NotNull Material bucket, @NotNull ItemStack itemInHand) Deprecated.PlayerBucketFillEvent
(@NotNull Player who, @NotNull Block block, @NotNull Block blockClicked, @NotNull BlockFace blockFace, @NotNull Material bucket, @NotNull ItemStack itemInHand) Deprecated.PlayerBucketFillEvent
(@NotNull Player who, @NotNull Block block, @NotNull Block blockClicked, @NotNull BlockFace blockFace, @NotNull Material bucket, @NotNull ItemStack itemInHand, @NotNull EquipmentSlot hand) PlayerBucketFishEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull Fish fish, @NotNull ItemStack waterBucket, @NotNull ItemStack fishBucket, @NotNull EquipmentSlot hand) Deprecated.PlayerChangedMainHandEvent
(@NotNull Player who, @NotNull MainHand mainHand) PlayerChangedWorldEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull World from) PlayerChannelEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull String channel) PlayerChatEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull String message) Deprecated.PlayerChatEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull String message, @NotNull String format, @NotNull Set<Player> recipients) Deprecated.PlayerChatTabCompleteEvent
(@NotNull Player who, @NotNull String message, @NotNull Collection<String> completions) Deprecated.PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull String message) PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull String message, @NotNull Set<Player> recipients) PlayerCommandSendEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull Collection<String> commands) PlayerDropItemEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull Item drop) PlayerEditBookEvent
(@NotNull Player who, int slot, @NotNull BookMeta previousBookMeta, @NotNull BookMeta newBookMeta, boolean isSigning) PlayerEggThrowEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull Egg egg, boolean hatching, byte numHatches, @NotNull EntityType hatchingType) PlayerEvent
(@NotNull Player who) PlayerEvent
(@NotNull Player who, boolean async) PlayerExpChangeEvent
(@NotNull Player player, int expAmount) PlayerExpChangeEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @Nullable Entity sourceEntity, int expAmount) PlayerExpCooldownChangeEvent
(@NotNull Player player, int newcooldown, @NotNull PlayerExpCooldownChangeEvent.ChangeReason reason) PlayerFishEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @Nullable Entity entity, @NotNull FishHook hookEntity, @NotNull PlayerFishEvent.State state) PlayerFishEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @Nullable Entity entity, @NotNull FishHook hookEntity, @Nullable EquipmentSlot hand, @NotNull PlayerFishEvent.State state) PlayerGameModeChangeEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull GameMode newGameMode) Deprecated.PlayerGameModeChangeEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull GameMode newGameMode, @NotNull PlayerGameModeChangeEvent.Cause cause, Component cancelMessage) PlayerHarvestBlockEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull Block harvestedBlock, @NotNull List<ItemStack> itemsHarvested) Deprecated.PlayerHarvestBlockEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull Block harvestedBlock, @NotNull EquipmentSlot hand, @NotNull List<ItemStack> itemsHarvested) PlayerHideEntityEvent
(@NotNull Player who, @NotNull Entity entity) PlayerInteractAtEntityEvent
(@NotNull Player who, @NotNull Entity clickedEntity, @NotNull Vector position) PlayerInteractAtEntityEvent
(@NotNull Player who, @NotNull Entity clickedEntity, @NotNull Vector position, @NotNull EquipmentSlot hand) PlayerInteractEntityEvent
(@NotNull Player who, @NotNull Entity clickedEntity) PlayerInteractEntityEvent
(@NotNull Player who, @NotNull Entity clickedEntity, @NotNull EquipmentSlot hand) PlayerInteractEvent
(@NotNull Player who, @NotNull Action action, @Nullable ItemStack item, @Nullable Block clickedBlock, @NotNull BlockFace clickedFace) PlayerInteractEvent
(@NotNull Player who, @NotNull Action action, @Nullable ItemStack item, @Nullable Block clickedBlock, @NotNull BlockFace clickedFace, @Nullable EquipmentSlot hand) PlayerInteractEvent
(@NotNull Player who, @NotNull Action action, @Nullable ItemStack item, @Nullable Block clickedBlock, @NotNull BlockFace clickedFace, @Nullable EquipmentSlot hand, @Nullable Vector clickedPosition) PlayerItemBreakEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull ItemStack brokenItem) PlayerItemConsumeEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull ItemStack item) Deprecated.PlayerItemConsumeEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull ItemStack item, @NotNull EquipmentSlot hand) PlayerItemDamageEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull ItemStack what, int damage) Deprecated.PlayerItemDamageEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull ItemStack what, int damage, int originalDamage) PlayerItemHeldEvent
(@NotNull Player player, int previous, int current) PlayerItemMendEvent
(@NotNull Player who, @NotNull ItemStack item, @NotNull ExperienceOrb experienceOrb, int repairAmount) Deprecated.PlayerItemMendEvent
(@NotNull Player who, @NotNull ItemStack item, @NotNull EquipmentSlot slot, @NotNull ExperienceOrb experienceOrb, int repairAmount) Deprecated.PlayerItemMendEvent
(@NotNull Player who, @NotNull ItemStack item, @NotNull EquipmentSlot slot, @NotNull ExperienceOrb experienceOrb, int repairAmount, IntUnaryOperator durabilityToXpOp) PlayerJoinEvent
(@NotNull Player playerJoined, @Nullable String joinMessage) Deprecated.PlayerJoinEvent
(@NotNull Player playerJoined, Component joinMessage) PlayerKickEvent
(@NotNull Player playerKicked, @NotNull String kickReason, @NotNull String leaveMessage) Deprecated.PlayerKickEvent
(@NotNull Player playerKicked, Component kickReason, Component leaveMessage) Deprecated.PlayerKickEvent
(@NotNull Player playerKicked, Component kickReason, Component leaveMessage, @NotNull PlayerKickEvent.Cause cause) PlayerLevelChangeEvent
(@NotNull Player player, int oldLevel, int newLevel) PlayerLocaleChangeEvent
(@NotNull Player who, @NotNull String locale) PlayerLoginEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull String hostname, @NotNull InetAddress address) This constructor defaults message to an empty string, and result to ALLOWEDPlayerLoginEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull String hostname, @NotNull InetAddress address, @NotNull InetAddress realAddress) This constructor defaults message to an empty string, and result to ALLOWEDPlayerLoginEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull String hostname, @NotNull InetAddress address, @NotNull PlayerLoginEvent.Result result, @NotNull String message, @NotNull InetAddress realAddress) PlayerLoginEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull String hostname, @NotNull InetAddress address, @NotNull PlayerLoginEvent.Result result, Component message, @NotNull InetAddress realAddress) This constructor pre-configures the event with a result and messagePlayerPickupArrowEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull Item item, @NotNull AbstractArrow arrow) PlayerPickupItemEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull Item item, int remaining) Deprecated.PlayerPortalEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull Location from, @Nullable Location to, @NotNull PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause cause) PlayerPortalEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull Location from, @Nullable Location to, @NotNull PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause cause, int getSearchRadius, boolean canCreatePortal, int creationRadius) PlayerQuitEvent
(@NotNull Player who, @Nullable String quitMessage) Deprecated.PlayerQuitEvent
(@NotNull Player who, @Nullable String quitMessage, @Nullable PlayerQuitEvent.QuitReason quitReason) Deprecated.PlayerQuitEvent
(@NotNull Player who, Component quitMessage) Deprecated.PlayerQuitEvent
(@NotNull Player who, Component quitMessage, @Nullable PlayerQuitEvent.QuitReason quitReason) PlayerRecipeBookClickEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull Recipe recipe, boolean shiftClick) Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.PlayerRecipeBookSettingsChangeEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull PlayerRecipeBookSettingsChangeEvent.RecipeBookType recipeBookType, boolean open, boolean filtering) PlayerRecipeDiscoverEvent
(@NotNull Player who, @NotNull NamespacedKey recipe) PlayerRegisterChannelEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull String channel) PlayerResourcePackStatusEvent
(@NotNull Player who, @NotNull UUID id, @NotNull PlayerResourcePackStatusEvent.Status resourcePackStatus) PlayerRespawnEvent
(@NotNull Player respawnPlayer, @NotNull Location respawnLocation, boolean isBedSpawn) Deprecated.PlayerRespawnEvent
(@NotNull Player respawnPlayer, @NotNull Location respawnLocation, boolean isBedSpawn, boolean isAnchorSpawn) Deprecated.PlayerRespawnEvent
(@NotNull Player respawnPlayer, @NotNull Location respawnLocation, boolean isBedSpawn, boolean isAnchorSpawn, @NotNull PlayerRespawnEvent.RespawnReason respawnReason) Deprecated.PlayerRespawnEvent
(@NotNull Player respawnPlayer, @NotNull Location respawnLocation, boolean isBedSpawn, boolean isAnchorSpawn, @NotNull PlayerRespawnEvent.RespawnReason respawnReason, ImmutableSet.Builder<PlayerRespawnEvent.RespawnFlag> respawnFlags) PlayerRiptideEvent
(@NotNull Player who, @NotNull ItemStack item) Deprecated.PlayerShearEntityEvent
(@NotNull Player who, @NotNull Entity what) Deprecated.PlayerShearEntityEvent
(@NotNull Player who, @NotNull Entity what, @NotNull ItemStack item, @NotNull EquipmentSlot hand, @NotNull List<ItemStack> drops) PlayerShowEntityEvent
(@NotNull Player who, @NotNull Entity entity) PlayerSignOpenEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull Sign sign, @NotNull Side side, @NotNull PlayerSignOpenEvent.Cause cause) Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.PlayerSpawnChangeEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @Nullable Location newSpawn, boolean forced, @NotNull PlayerSpawnChangeEvent.Cause cause) Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.PlayerStatisticIncrementEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull Statistic statistic, int initialValue, int newValue) PlayerStatisticIncrementEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull Statistic statistic, int initialValue, int newValue, @NotNull EntityType entityType) PlayerStatisticIncrementEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull Statistic statistic, int initialValue, int newValue, @NotNull Material material) PlayerSwapHandItemsEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull ItemStack mainHandItem, @NotNull ItemStack offHandItem) PlayerTakeLecternBookEvent
(@NotNull Player who, @NotNull Lectern lectern) PlayerTeleportEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull Location from, @Nullable Location to, @NotNull PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause cause) PlayerTeleportEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull Location from, @Nullable Location to, @NotNull PlayerTeleportEvent.TeleportCause cause, Set<@NotNull TeleportFlag.Relative> teleportFlagSet) PlayerToggleFlightEvent
(@NotNull Player player, boolean isFlying) PlayerToggleSneakEvent
(@NotNull Player player, boolean isSneaking) PlayerToggleSprintEvent
(@NotNull Player player, boolean isSprinting) PlayerUnleashEntityEvent
(@NotNull Entity entity, @NotNull Player player) Deprecated.PlayerUnleashEntityEvent
(@NotNull Entity entity, @NotNull Player player, @NotNull EquipmentSlot hand) Deprecated.PlayerUnleashEntityEvent
(@NotNull Entity entity, @NotNull Player player, @NotNull EquipmentSlot hand, boolean dropLeash) PlayerUnregisterChannelEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull String channel) PlayerVelocityEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull Vector velocity) ModifierConstructorDescriptionAsyncPlayerChatEvent
(boolean async, @NotNull Player who, @NotNull String message, @NotNull Set<Player> players) Deprecated.AsyncPlayerChatPreviewEvent
(boolean async, @NotNull Player who, @NotNull String message, @NotNull Set<Player> players) Deprecated.PlayerChatEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull String message, @NotNull String format, @NotNull Set<Player> recipients) Deprecated.PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent
(@NotNull Player player, @NotNull String message, @NotNull Set<Player> recipients) -
Uses of Player in
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionRaidTriggerEvent.getPlayer()
Returns the player who triggered the raid.Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionRaidFinishEvent.getWinners()
Returns an immutable list contains all winners.ModifierConstructorDescription -
Uses of Player in org.bukkit.event.server
Uses of Player in
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionStructureGrowEvent.getPlayer()
Gets the player that created the structure.ModifierConstructorDescriptionStructureGrowEvent
(@NotNull Location location, @NotNull TreeType species, boolean bonemeal, @Nullable Player player, @NotNull List<BlockState> blocks) -
Uses of Player in org.bukkit.inventory
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionItemStack.computeTooltipLines
(TooltipContext tooltipContext, Player player) Computes the tooltip lines for this stack. -
Uses of Player in
Uses of Player in org.bukkit.plugin.messaging
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
(@NotNull Player source, @NotNull String channel, @org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull byte[] message) Dispatches the specified incoming message to any registered listeners.void
(@NotNull Player source, @NotNull String channel, @org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull byte[] message) void
(@NotNull String channel, @NotNull Player player, @org.jetbrains.annotations.NotNull byte[] message) A method that will be thrown when a PluginMessageSource sends a plugin message on a registered channel. -
Uses of Player in org.spigotmc.event.player
(@NotNull Player who, @NotNull Location spawnLocation)