Interface EntityScheduler

public interface EntityScheduler
An entity can move between worlds with an arbitrary tick delay, be temporarily removed for players (i.e end credits), be partially removed from world state (i.e inactive but not removed), teleport between ticking regions, teleport between worlds, and even be removed entirely from the server. The uncertainty of an entity's state can make it difficult to schedule tasks without worrying about undefined behaviors resulting from any of the states listed previously.

This class is designed to eliminate those states by providing an interface to run tasks only when an entity is contained in a world, on the owning thread for the region, and by providing the current Entity object. The scheduler also allows a task to provide a callback, the "retired" callback, that will be invoked if the entity is removed before a task that was scheduled could be executed. The scheduler is also completely thread-safe, allowing tasks to be scheduled from any thread context. The scheduler also indicates properly whether a task was scheduled successfully (i.e scheduler not retired), thus the code scheduling any task knows whether the given callbacks will be invoked eventually or not - which may be critical for off-thread contexts.

  • Method Details

    • execute

      boolean execute(@NotNull @NotNull Plugin plugin, @NotNull @NotNull Runnable run, @Nullable @Nullable Runnable retired, long delay)
      Schedules a task with the given delay. If the task failed to schedule because the scheduler is retired (entity removed), then returns false. Otherwise, either the run callback will be invoked after the specified delay, or the retired callback will be invoked if the scheduler is retired. Note that the retired callback is invoked in critical code, so it should not attempt to remove the entity, remove other entities, load chunks, load worlds, modify ticket levels, etc.

      It is guaranteed that the run and retired callback are invoked on the region which owns the entity.

      run - The callback to run after the specified delay, may not be null.
      retired - Retire callback to run if the entity is retired before the run callback can be invoked, may be null.
      delay - The delay in ticks before the run callback is invoked. Any value less-than 1 is treated as 1.
      true if the task was scheduled, which means that either the run function or the retired function will be invoked (but never both), or false indicating neither the run nor retired function will be invoked since the scheduler has been retired.
    • run

      Schedules a task to execute on the next tick. If the task failed to schedule because the scheduler is retired (entity removed), then returns null. Otherwise, either the task callback will be invoked after the specified delay, or the retired callback will be invoked if the scheduler is retired. Note that the retired callback is invoked in critical code, so it should not attempt to remove the entity, remove other entities, load chunks, load worlds, modify ticket levels, etc.

      It is guaranteed that the task and retired callback are invoked on the region which owns the entity.

      plugin - The plugin that owns the task
      task - The task to execute
      retired - Retire callback to run if the entity is retired before the run callback can be invoked, may be null.
      The ScheduledTask that represents the scheduled task, or null if the entity has been removed.
    • runDelayed

      Schedules a task with the given delay. If the task failed to schedule because the scheduler is retired (entity removed), then returns null. Otherwise, either the task callback will be invoked after the specified delay, or the retired callback will be invoked if the scheduler is retired. Note that the retired callback is invoked in critical code, so it should not attempt to remove the entity, remove other entities, load chunks, load worlds, modify ticket levels, etc.

      It is guaranteed that the task and retired callback are invoked on the region which owns the entity.

      plugin - The plugin that owns the task
      task - The task to execute
      retired - Retire callback to run if the entity is retired before the run callback can be invoked, may be null.
      delayTicks - The delay, in ticks.
      The ScheduledTask that represents the scheduled task, or null if the entity has been removed.
    • runAtFixedRate

      @Nullable @Nullable ScheduledTask runAtFixedRate(@NotNull @NotNull Plugin plugin, @NotNull @NotNull Consumer<ScheduledTask> task, @Nullable @Nullable Runnable retired, long initialDelayTicks, long periodTicks)
      Schedules a repeating task with the given delay and period. If the task failed to schedule because the scheduler is retired (entity removed), then returns null. Otherwise, either the task callback will be invoked after the specified delay, or the retired callback will be invoked if the scheduler is retired. Note that the retired callback is invoked in critical code, so it should not attempt to remove the entity, remove other entities, load chunks, load worlds, modify ticket levels, etc.

      It is guaranteed that the task and retired callback are invoked on the region which owns the entity.

      plugin - The plugin that owns the task
      task - The task to execute
      retired - Retire callback to run if the entity is retired before the run callback can be invoked, may be null.
      initialDelayTicks - The initial delay, in ticks.
      periodTicks - The period, in ticks.
      The ScheduledTask that represents the scheduled task, or null if the entity has been removed.